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How prepared are you for a career emergency like losing a job? Disaster recovery plans for your career, just like troubleshooting, start with good documentation of technical and business accomplishments.
David Klee returns in episode 316 to share the prep work required for building and testing a disaster recovery plan for our careers. You’ll learn how to use David’s technique of looking in the mirror (inside yourself) and out the window (out into the world / greater technical community) to quiet the fear and document and identify transferable skills that can be listed on a resume, on LinkedIn, or shared in a job interview. As we talk through each topic or recommendation, David shares concrete examples from his experience to illustrate how they apply.
Original Recording Date: 01-20-2025
David Klee is a returning guest and the owner and chief architect at Heraflux Technologies. If you missed part 1 of this discussion series with David, check out Episode 315.
Topics – Keep Your Eyes Open with the Mirror and the Window, Accomplishments as Repeatable Processes, Transparent Outcomes and the Hero’s Journey, Avoiding the Cold Start with Prep Work, Testing a Career DR Plan
3:28 – Keep Your Eyes Open with the Mirror and the Window
- We all have intentions of keeping disaster recovery plans for our careers and lives up to date, but we fall short.
- “The tech side is arguably the easier part. DR for the career, especially in this day and age…if you get cut today…what are you going to do? What’s the next step? Are you ready to take an unplanned detour in life? Who do you know? What do you know? What have you done that you can talk about or reference to help you get the next leg up? What have you done that’s so proprietary that you can’t mention a spec of it or it’s so proprietary that it doesn’t transfer out of that job?” – David Klee, on disaster recovery for your career
- David talks about his first job in college working for a market research firm. The firm had a platform with its own scripting language that could be used to build websites or surveys. David acted as an intermediary between the team that built the platform and the team that used it.
- “I spent three years there. What did I learn? I learned how to script in a language that does not leave that company borders. That’s not a good career builder unless you intend to stay with that company for your entire career, and this is the 2020s. Good luck with that.” – David Klee
- John says this could be something we could ask about in an interview. A company is basically asking for an employee to be a captive of that group because of the proprietary nature of the language. David says in most cases like this an employee will not know it until they are in the situation.
- "It takes keeping your eyes open…no matter how much you enjoy your job…is the captivity of this job worth it? Is there job security? Do I enjoy what I’m doing? Am I growing, or am I just moving laterally? What’s worth it? " – David Klee
- In this job at the market research firm, they found out David was a good troubleshooter, and they wanted him to fix bugs on the platform others had built. Even when David proposed that it would be faster to rebuild the platform on newer versions of software, they insisted he focus on patching the existing platform.
- What does David mean by keeping your eyes open?
- “Keeping your eyes open involves looking at yourself in a mirror. And then, look out the window.” – David Klee
- David says to look in the mirror we should think about what we want to do, what we enjoy doing, and what we do and don’t like about our current job.
- Early in his career, he wanted to break out of just being an IT worker. He wanted to be a business driver rather than part of a cost center.
- “Look at your value to the business. Am I there just keeping the lights on? And what about that do you enjoy?” – David Kleep
- Looking out the window involves thinking about what you’re doing, what you’re getting paid, and how much you’re appreciated by the business. What are you doing that can be transferred to another business of any size, and how much satisfaction of doing your current job would be retained in making a move?
- “You don’t have a lot of answers when you’re just starting out, but that’s where you start talking to people. Find people in that area of any specialty, be it IT or whatever, that you enjoy, and there’s probably a community around it. I got lucky. I found the SQL Server community in 2008…. Here’s a room of 50 other people that enjoy the same exact thing. This is cool, and I can talk about it with them.” – David Klee
- Someone David knew well started a SQL Server user group in Omaha, Nebraska. David found out about the group and was there for the very first meeting.
- David got to know the community around a specific technology. He would ask people where they work, what they did each day, what they did and did not like about their job, what they wished they could do more of, etc.
- “You’re getting paid twice as much…interesting. So, there’s less that I don’t like in that role. There’s more of the stuff that I like, and your company gives you time to focus on the stuff that you like to do. Ok, let’s talk. Who do you know, and do you have an opening in your company? …or, I’m not there yet qualification-wise to be able to get that job, but hey, you do this stuff day in and day out. What can I do to learn more? What can I do to push myself? If the company that I’m at is just focused on keeping the lights on, what can I do on the side to grow? …it’s that want to grow and do more that not everybody has…. How can I learn everything that I need to know to go beyond an IT Operations lightkeeper kind of role? What can I do to help the company see the value in IT to invest further in it?” – David Klee, giving examples of what we might talk to others about at a community meeting
- David considers himself a lifelong learn who wants to know as much about everything as he possibly can.
9:41 – Accomplishments as Repeatable Processes
- David talked about being a cost center compared to being a business driver. John says at the individual contributor level, the delineation may come down to what you’re working on.
- Are the systems for the company or a specific product that is customer facing?
- David says think about how much money the business makes per day because you kept a system up and running.
- When David worked for a performing arts center, he saw the business need for improvement in volunteer management for each show. David also wanted to learn how to program in .NET and took it upon himself to build a volunteer management system. He knew nothing about .NET and worked on this project outside of his normal work week to beat the deadline for the next season opening.
- “I built a volunteer management system. It integrated with the ticketing system. The house managers could hit a button, open a show directly from the ticketing system. It pre-filled and populated everything. They had templates for all the positions they needed…. The first week it went live it saved 55 staff hours between 2 people. That was cool…. That’s the resume builder right there, and that actually enabled me to get my next job…. That’s the resume builder because not only did you learn a tech skill…but it showed that you can think about the business and not just a tech feature.” – David Klee, describing the outcome of his work building a new volunteer management system
- John emphasizes the need for quantification so the next person looking to hire you can understand your value to the organization. Saving that many staff hours per performance translates to dollars. David says this allowed 2 people working 80-hour weeks to work only 50 hours per week.
- Nick highlights an irony. Many companies do not have enough systems documentation to troubleshoot effectively when there is a problem. When we are applying for a job, we need documentation that indicates our expertise level to be deemed competent enough to go and work on a system which a company may not have documented well. But, if we do not document our own experience well, we have a problem!
- We have to be able to prove our competence and experience to another company. We might be able to succeed in a technical interview by answering questions, but we need proof of our expertise.
- Companies may want us to do and not document, but around performance review time documentation becomes critically important. This is at odds with the overall culture as it relates to documentation.
- “And the documentation onus is on you. They’ll never give you the time to document your successes because they don’t want you to jump ship and bring that list of successes with you. So it’s on you. How much time do you have nights and weekends to keep up on this stuff? You have to make the time.” – David Klee, on documenting our accomplishments / successes
- How detailed should the list of our own successes / accomplishments be?
- David says it should be detailed enough to make it repeatable, keeping in mind we cannot take proprietary information from a company.
- David says the knowledge of building a volunteer management system has stuck with him over time. He has built web applications ever since.
- “The framework has changed. The foundation has changed. But the knowledge of how to take a business challenge, justify and quantify the impact of solving it technically, implementing it, and then measuring the outcome…if you can document that, that’s what you need for the proof…. What did you do and why did you do it? Give me 3 sentences on how you did it and then tell me the outcome.” – David Klee, on documenting accomplishments
- According to Nick, getting the refined outcome statement for your resume for an interview takes writing down your accomplishments a couple of different times. Document everything in a brain dump format, refine it a time or too, and pull out those impact statements that are most relevant for a specific role.
- David says we have to make the time to do it so we can stand out. He also shares the kinds of questions he asks a current mentee.
- The guy David is mentoring mentioned he had built a web application to help track household finances. It was a PHP front end with a SQL Server back end that ran in his home test lab. QuickBooks may have been easier, but David’s mentee wanted the experience of building the application himself.
- When asked how much time it took, David’s mentee said it took him longer than it probably should have, but he wanted to learn how everything worked. David will often give his mentee new ideas for things to explore, and the mentee will spend his weekends tinkering.
- “The tech side of this is easy. Even just a lateral move in the business…how do you justify that you’re going to actually solidify a business need to fill a role? If it’s a promotion, how do you justify that? You have to keep track of those.” – David Klee
- David gives examples of the outcomes of some of his consulting work – saving an airline over 30 million dollars in database licensing, added 500 million dollars to the valuation of an electric vehicle startup, worked with 4 of the 10 largest hedge funds in the world, migrated 140 terabyte SQL Server database across the country in 18 seconds, etc.
- To go back one step, David has multiple sets of documents – business accomplishments and technical accomplishments, stressing that these are two different things. He spends one Saturday morning per month making notes on his accomplishments.
- “And to be able to just rattle that off and say…we did that, and we can do it again. Not only did we have a good outcome with it, but we documented the process. It’s a repeatable process…. Anybody at that company could follow that process and not call me again to do that. And I’m happy for that.” – David Klee, speaking to the success of migrating a very large SQL Server database which came from not only doing it but training people at the company to do it next time
- The above migration / process or recipe can easily be applied in a quick, useful way to help another company.
18:37 – Transparent Outcomes and the Hero’s Journey
- David shares the story of one of the most successful troubleshooting experiences that came from a SQL Server migration project with a 2-week timeline to get it onto new hardware after the SQL Server had been running for 8 years. There was no documentation of the environment, and no one at that company who had tried the migration previously could figure it out.
- “We got this running 3 hours and 10 minutes into a 4-hour maintenance window. I didn’t sleep for a day after that because I was so jacked from nerves. But it worked. And the next morning, because I couldn’t sleep…I’m on a laptop on the couch documenting every single thing that I did and took all the screenshots that I’d been taking through the entire time, stitched them together, and built them a how-to document. They didn’t ask me to do it…but they now have the how-to for how to do this again down the road…. Nobody there had bothered to look into why the system stayed up and running those 8 years.” – David Klee, recounting a very difficult troubleshooting exercise
- Because David knew infrastructure and coding, he was able to dig into all the right areas to make the project a success.
- David documented the technical outcome and the business outcome from the troubleshooting session. He also did a post-mortem to explain why the business should have invested time and resources to understand that system before they attempted a migration. He also recommended they re-write a specific application because they no longer had the source code.
- Nick says the technical and business outcomes David generated from his brain dump are evidence that he’s a good troubleshooter.
- “The hilarious thing is that at the end of the day, for the business, nothing changed. That platform that they used thousands of times a second was still up and running, so literally sometimes the business outcome is transparent. To be able to tout that to the right people, they get it. But to the non-seasoned recruiter, they don’t know. So, you have to be able to spin that…. You don’t have to embellish anything, but you have to know what to bring to the surface to get them to actually understand the significance of what you’re talking about.” – David Klee
- John wonders if the right outcome for the business is that nothing went wrong?
- David says this is how he got into virtualization. Nothing went wrong when he moved systems for the performing arts center from physical to virtual during a time when tickets were on sale. Not crashing was the success.
- In other cases, database migrations for large companies have been minimizing downtime and disruption of the business (i.e. fitting into a tight maintenance window). Technical outcomes in these situations were things like completing a database upgrade, moving to newer hardware, successful patching, reducing future problems, etc. The business cares about uptime alone.
- A business might not understand a system is critical because of underinvestment, and they may not see the value of the system’s uptime as a result. When someone puts forth a ton of effort to reduce downtime for a specific system, people might not care because they don’t know.
- David doesn’t have it in him to let problems / systems crash and burn. Not everyone operates at this level of moral standard.
- John says a business demonstrates what is and is not important based on budget, time, and attention. It’s difficult as an employee to go on a hero’s journey and fix a problem (potentially sacrificing mental and physical wellbeing) for no recognition.
- “I’m with you to a point. But at the same time, if the hero’s journey to fix something for no recognition means I’ve grown as a technologist with a transferable and portable set of skills that will elevate my next step, is it worth it? And in some cases no and in some cases yeah. That volunteer management system at the performing arts center…that was 600 hours of work in 4 months outside of an 80 hour a week job. That was a lot. But that skill showed that I can build tools to solve business problems. It gave me a more modern framework to implement that skill, and it gave me an industry standard means to demonstrate it. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment and a workaholic, so I come at this from a rather jaded perspective. But if your home situation and family situation allows you to do it for bursts, I claim it’s worth it. You don’t have to do it all day every day for 25 years, but to do it in bursts to hit a marker that you give to yourself…you’re not running an ultra-marathon by training for 20 minutes a week. There’s work that comes along with it, and there is sacrifice in a lot of this stuff because the knowledge isn’t just going to pop into your head. And work’s not going to give you the time to learn this stuff. They’re just not…not unless you have a truly special organization…. You’ve got to push yourself. It pushes your career. It pushes your ability to prepare.” – David Klee
27:25 – Avoiding the Cold Start with Prep Work
- What if the business you work for goes under / goes out of business? What will you do tomorrow? David says this has to be in our minds. From a business and technology perspective what do we do? How can we make the next step easier?
- Nick thinks we would need to know
- Where all documented accomplishments are (if that’s been completed)
- Who to call and network with about job prospects
- Understand / have a tight handle on our finances
- “It’s a hard one, and that goes back to the loop of personal troubleshooting and documentation. Say you do a job for 5 years. Your last day on the job…are you going to remember all the accomplishments that you had during that 5-year tenure? No. Are you going to remember that monthly? Sure. Take a Saturday morning. Sit there with a good cup of coffee or something, and just write. Throw it in a Word document. Throw it in Dropbox or OneDrive or wherever…. It doesn’t have to be pretty…. What did you enjoy? What wins did you have? What problems did you solve? What did you learn? What did you do for the business? What did the business do for you? If the business did something cool for you and you liked it, maybe that’s a pre-requisite for hiring at your next job. A couple of the companies I worked for…they were nice enough to send me to some conferences. I learned a ton. Document it. Take the time. Yeah, it’s time out of your week. It’s not fun. It’s not enjoyable. But at the same time, it gives you a foundation to say, ‘I did this.’ And if you’re looking for another role, and if it’s a role dissimilar to what you’re doing today, how can you adapt what you’ve done to the new industry or the new role or the new vertical? And that’s a hard one for people to wrap their brain around. All this stuff applies. You just have to spin it the right way.” – David Klee
- David shares that his brother finished a career as a music teacher at a high school and became a police officer. Transferable skills were things like working with crowds, training and educating, getting people to work together, etc.
- David mentions a friend who worked for a database monitoring company and built software and tooling for that company. This friend later moved to the financial sector. Though the database being monitored might be different, the framework and the foundation for documentation / monitoring / quality assurance testing / user acceptance testing all still applies.
- Nick thinks we would need to know
- John says the typical scenario is someone losing their job and needing to come from a cold start. The person has done no disaster recovery planning and needs to run their disaster recovery plan.
- “Clear your mind, and start thinking. Give me the top 5 things about the current job that you really enjoyed, and then make a beeline and run…. If you like infrastructure, look to see who’s hiring in your town. Look for those user groups…. It doesn’t take more than a meeting or two if you’re comfortable around people to actually get to know some of these folks…. Dig in your heels. Get yourself out of your comfort zone and go to these things and start talking to people.” – David Klee
- David mentions meetup.com and the Azure Data Community as great places to find technical user groups. Don’t rule out business user groups as well because it doesn’t have to be tech focused.
- David says we don’t have to be way out of our comfort zone to say hello to someone at a user group, tell them what you do, and ask what they do.
- Nick says we can even ask people if there is someone they know that we should meet.
- “The worst thing you can do is nothing. Nothing will not move you forward. Even a basic conversation, if nothing else comes from it, you’ve still talked to somebody. You’ve still got a connection now.” – David Klee
- John says many of us have critiqued an employer for a lack of disaster recovery planning or business continuity planning, but at the same time, we haven’t done that same kind of planning for our own careers. We have to take accountability for that in our own lives.
- “Nobody is going to hand you a new career or a job promotion on a silver platter…. It just doesn’t happen. And for all of the folks that sit around waiting and they just think that better things are around the corner…the odds are, if you don’t push, better things are not around the corner. It may not be any worse, but it’s probably not going to be any better Career paths in IT with a company that’s willing to invest in you are rare these days. They want you to do a job, and that’s what you’re there to do. There’s not a track for promotion or advancement. So, the convention in the US is to quit your job and find a better one to get that promotion. I hate to say it. I’d love to have career paths. It just doesn’t really exist all over the place, so it’s on you. What are you doing?” – David Klee
- For David, his action was going independent and working for himself. It gives him the freedom to select technologies that have business value and learn them to the depth of being able to tell other people how to use them. This choice (business ownership) allows him to be flexible and change direction when needed.
- If the world changes or shifts, we can pivot our careers. David was an infrastructure admin who became a software developer, a database administrator, a consultant, and a consulting firm owner / nerd of all trades.
- “You can pivot, and it all just builds. And that list of accomplishments, that prep that you’ve done to build the foundation to make essentially disaster recovery for your career easier. Failing over a database to a different site that’s already been replicated is a right-click go kind of operation. If you’ve pigeon-holed 20 years of your life on a system that is totally proprietary and non-transferable, what are you going to do?” – David Klee
- David tells the story of a friend from one of his first jobs who was laid off after 25 years of working on proprietary systems. The friend had not done the prep for career disaster recovery. It took 7 months to figure out what to do after that for a job with half the pay.
- “The prep wasn’t there. It drives me nuts because the prep needed to be there.” – David Klee, commenting on the lack of preparedness of a friend who was laid off
35:47 – Testing a Career DR Plan
- Even for those of us who agree we need a DR plan for our career or have some form of one, what elements might we not be thinking about? What are some of the unknown unknowns?
- David says if we were to take our company’s IT systems and fail to DR right now, something will not work because of an undocumented change, a software update, etc.
- “No DR strategy is perfect unless you test it, and who wants to test a career DR strategy? …It goes back to…can you troubleshoot? Can you identify the things that are missing now that you’ve failed over and what isn’t working? …Go through the feedback loop. Can you improve and clean up and fix? And, arguably, don’t make it equal to where you came from. Make it better. Because then, the bar has now risen, and it’s just an uphill climb after that. There’s no downhill slide.” – David Klee
- The only way Nick can think of to test a career DR plan is to follow the documented plan you have to see how fast you could get an interview and into the final round.
- David says even if you’re content where you are, go look for another job. If you get an offer, that’s a pretty good DR plan if the job you looked for is something you want. If you try this and can’t make it past sending in a resume, you have a safety net because you do not have to leave your current job.
- “You can start to look at the mirror. What am I not doing that’s making me less marketable to these folks? And that’s a hard pill to swallow…. If you’re not intent on leaving your current job, there’s really no harm in it….” – David Klee
- Nick cautions about burning bridges. If you are going to interview for a role, really consider it. Be kind and courteous to recruiters and the people you speak to during the process, especially if you have to turn down an offer.
- David says if you have a job and you’re looking for a new one, there is nothing wrong with taking a job that will better your situation.
- “There’s a certain number of hoops you have to jump through to get a job. Have you even written a resume recently? Have you written a cover letter if you think that’s necessary? Have you submitted a job application and gotten a recruiter to call you back? …And, have you been able to get past that…recruiter screen to get to talk to whatever the next level is…? And if you are consistently getting to hurdle 5, maybe you don’t need to worry…. The vast majority of people don’t even start because they think about that last hurdle – what if they offer me somehting and then I need to make a decision about whether to leave or not? Well, that’s not the situation that you’re facing yet.” – John White
- John mentions chats with hiring managers, skip level leaders, vice president level personnel, and even technical presentations as hurdles and levels in the interview process / road to getting a new job. Not taking that first step in the process is the mistake everyone is making.
- As a consultant, David does consistent job interviews (5-10 times per week probably). He’s had a lot of practice.
- “It takes some experience, so start the process. Because if you are just jittery, nervous, can’t speak a sentence to these folks…how are you going to make it to that next level? How are you going to get to the point where they’re extending you an offer? It’s hard. It takes time. It takes experience. It takes a feedback loop of improvement in yourself to understand how to approach those things. And I’m not saying just interview to waste somebody’s time, but if you are seriously looking, interview for things that may be tangential to what you’re interested in in the hopes that they may actually be better, a better fit, a better path…because the more experience you have with it the better.” – David Klee, on interviewing
- David got a job as a database administrator (DBA) because he knew a lot about infrastructure and had some SQL Server experience. They made him a DBA, and David really enjoyed it.
- A business doesn’t refuse to investigate disaster recovery because the disaster recovery target might be better than the existing infrastructure and present a difficult decision. John reminds us that people make similar statements about their career disaster recovery every day.
- “If the poop hits the fan, what would you do today? What would you do tomorrow? What would you do next week? What professional network have you built up? What proof do you have in the industry of what you’ve actually accomplished? Who can you call to vouch for you? They always ask for references. What can you do? What can you reference? What can’t you reference? What can you make veiled allusions to? …I hate the phrase ‘brand awareness…’ but to have visibility and verifiable proof that you’ve actually done something – that’s powerful. You need to have that, and it goes back to the prep. Push the fear aside. That’s the hardest part. A lot of folks are afraid of the end result. A lot of folks are afraid of the process. A lot of folks are afraid of the act of change…because it puts you out of your comfort zone.” – David Klee
- John thinks all of these fears are stand-ins that prevent us from facing the fear that losing our position is a very real possibility. Facing this fear of the possibility of losing your job could produce crippling indecision too, so people decide not to think about it (the worst thing you can do for disaster recovery).
- David takes us back to that SQL Server User Group meeting in 2008 and says back then he did not like speaking in front of a crowd. He would help coordinate things from time to time but was always the guy in the back.
- People at the user group knew the kind of work David did each day, but he didn’t think much about it as something to share in a presentation. In 2010, they decided to hold a SQL Saturday event in Omaha.
- When a speaker backed out at the last minute, one of the leaders asked David to speak on SQL Server virtualization instead. David agreed to do the presentation and really enjoyed it.
- There was someone sitting in the back of lthe room during David’s presentation that day, and it just so happened to be the author of SQL in a Nutshell Kevin Kline. Kevin e-mailed David 6 months later to ask him to co-present on the same topic at a very large conference.
- In November 2011, David delivered his first big technical presentation at the conference.
- “I figured there’d be 30, 40 people in the room. No. They closed the doors 30 minutes before the presentation because they hit the 500-person fire marshal limit. And we give an hour-and-a-half presentation in front of a packed room, and it turns out his role in the presentation was to be comic relief between sections and he wanted me to give 95% of the presentation. That was, right there, what let me get into consulting for myself…. That was the thing that showed that this thing that I leaned how to do on my own is something that not everybody could do, and it gave me te confidence to be able to run with it – both from a tech presentation perspective and a career perspective and literally make it work…. It was a topic that I knew. It was the unknown knowns. And from telling people about it I had the experience of being able to share it in a way that they could understand even though the topic was foreign to them back then. And it worked. It clicked. I would say that was the career disaster recovery to a better infrastructure. Things just skyrocketed after that. I spoke at 118 SQL Saturdays after that. It set the awareness in the community of what I could do so that in 2013 when I went independent as a consultant…we got our first customer day 3 all from somebody seeing me at a SQL Saturday event talking about this topic…. So unbelievably cool…it’s everything that accidentally came together in the whole career DR except I would say this was a proactive career failover for disaster preparedness…. We’ve been in business now 11.5 years…. I look at tomorrow. Where do I need to add stuff to the career? Where do I need to add more awareness to any of this stuff? Where do I need to be so that if the world shifts in a year, I’m ready? Every day I look at the mirror. You have to…because if you don’t, you’re going to be caught off guard. It’s the last spot you want to be in both for you and your family.” – David Klee
- David still has the photo from that conference that someone took looking from the stage to the audience during his session.
- David put himself in a position to be lucky by going deep in multiple areas, sharing his work, and learning in public.
- “That one presentation in 2011 was 12 years in the works.” – David Klee, on all the events that led to the presentation that changed everything…or as John says, David became an overnight success 12 years later
- David’s business is still running strong despite the pandemic, and he doesn’t have to market. The work comes to him because of the brand awareness he developed. For this, he is very thankful. And the accomplishments are documented in the public eye.
- To follow up on this conversation with David:
- Visit davidklee.net or heraflux.com (the home site of David’s consultancy, Heraflux Technologies).
- You can also contact David on LinkedIn.
Mentioned in the Outro
- Can you see the loop of personal troubleshooting and documentation now? After listening back to this discussion with David, Nick was reminded of Episode 284 – Draft Your Narrative: Writing and Building a Technical Portfolio with Jason Belk (2/2). We never used the word narrative in this discussion, but that’s what we’re building by doing the documentation. Documentation is an input to having a narrative in the first place.
- We have to take the time to do the documentation of our accomplishments to avoid the cold start situation of needing a job having done no prep work.
- There were so many questions David suggested we think through as we document.
- David says we’re documenting repeatable processes. But it turns out the documentation process itself is a repeatable process that we can use for our work solving a problem and for our accomplishments.
- After listening to this, is the documentation of your technical and business accomplishments up to date so you can share them in interview discussions, promotion discussions, and even in conversation in community groups?
- Look in the mirror and out the window, and find the communities that can help you learn!
- Special thanks to David on suggesting the topic and collaborating with us to create a create a great discussion. If you have an idea, please e-mail us or contact us on LinkedIn. Let’s collaborate and create a great show!
Contact the Hosts
- The hosts of Nerd Journey are John White and Nick Korte.
- E-mail: nerdjourneypodcast@gmail.com
- DM us on Twitter/X @NerdJourney
- Connect with John on LinkedIn or DM him on Twitter/X @vJourneyman
- Connect with Nick on LinkedIn or DM him on Twitter/X @NetworkNerd_
- If you’ve been impacted by a layoff or need advice, check out our Layoff Resources Page.