Audio Player
Guardrails for Growth: A Mentor’s Experience with Dale McKay (1/2)
Audio Player
Educate and Advocate: Certifications and Community Responsibility as a Joy with Jason Belk (1/2)
Audio Player
Packets Don’t Lie: Quality of Service for Technical Exploration in Network Engineering with Amy Arnold (1/2)
Audio Player
Moonlight Business Ownership: Inside and Outside the Hurt Locker with Justin Kelly (2/2)
Audio Player
Continuous Learning: The Drum Beat of Technical Perseverance with Justin Kelly (1/2)
Audio Player
A Theme of Learning with Erik Gross (1/3)
Audio Player
Back to Basics: Technology Bets and Industry Relationships with Brad Christian (2/2)
Audio Player
Follow and Commit: A Player Coach Discovers FinOps with Brad Christian (1/2)
Audio Player
Step Up and Lead: Surviving the Crucible and Getting into Tech with Brandon Seymour (1/3)
Audio Player