Audio Player
Finding a Better Way: Contracting, Independence, and a Consultant’s Reputation with David Klee (2/2)
Audio Player
The Consulting Life: Managing Travel and Becoming a Better Communicator with David Klee (1/2)
Audio Player
Next Level: Shifting Specialties and Broadening Your Outcome Goal with Duncan Epping (2/2)
Audio Player
Conscious Decisions and Aspects of Technical Leadership with Tad Reeves (3/3)
Audio Player
Think Divergently: Preparing for Product and People Management with Nicholas Aronne (3/3)
Audio Player
Cage to Stage: Podcasting and Gaining Brand Influence with Larry Roberts (3/3)
Audio Player
Move Choices and Information Warfare with Duncan Sparrell (2/2)
Audio Player
Capture the Intangibles with Joe Houghes (3/3)
Audio Player