Audio Player
The Uniqueness of Tech: 100Devs, Coffee Chats, and the Hallway Track with Julia Furst Morgado (1/2)
Audio Player
The Consulting Life: Managing Travel and Becoming a Better Communicator with David Klee (1/2)
Audio Player
Sales Skills: Professional Networking and Continued Practice with Ramzi Marjaba (1/2)
Audio Player
Always a Winger: People Person and Unapologetic Marketer with Amy Lewis (1/2)
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Sustained Interest: A Formula for Technical Mastery with Tad Reeves (1/3)
Audio Player
Library Science: Information Architecture and the Synthesis of Details with Abby Clobridge (1/2)
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Layoffs and Job Market Impacts: Experience with RIFs Preferred with Real Job Talk (2/2)
Audio Player
Step Up and Lead: Surviving the Crucible and Getting into Tech with Brandon Seymour (1/3)
Audio Player