Audio Player
Reduction in Force: Navigating Layoff Trends in Tech with Real Job Talk (1/2)
Audio Player
Draft Your Narrative: Writing and Building a Technical Portfolio with Jason Belk (2/2)
Audio Player
Packets Don’t Lie: Quality of Service for Technical Exploration in Network Engineering with Amy Arnold (1/2)
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Uniquely Suited to Deliver with Ethan Banks (2/2)
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Continuous Learning: The Drum Beat of Technical Perseverance with Justin Kelly (1/2)
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Back to Basics: Technology Bets and Industry Relationships with Brad Christian (2/2)
Audio Player
Follow and Commit: A Player Coach Discovers FinOps with Brad Christian (1/2)
Audio Player
Building Trust as an Interim Leader with Russell Swinney (2/2)
Audio Player
Move Choices and Information Warfare with Duncan Sparrell (2/2)
Audio Player