Audio Player
A Bridge to Community: CNCF Ambassador and Technical Translator with Julia Furst Morgado (2/2)
Audio Player
The Consulting Life: Managing Travel and Becoming a Better Communicator with David Klee (1/2)
Audio Player
Probe and Discover: Coaching for Impact with Ramzi Marjaba (2/2)
Audio Player
Write to Learn and Learn to Present with Duncan Epping (1/2)
Audio Player
Conscious Decisions and Aspects of Technical Leadership with Tad Reeves (3/3)
Audio Player
Sustained Interest: A Formula for Technical Mastery with Tad Reeves (1/3)
Audio Player
AI and Automation: Repeatable Patterns for Learning, Consulting, and Growth with Erik Gross (2/2)
Audio Player
Idea Management: Supporting Business Growth by Investing in People with Erik Gross (1/2)
Audio Player
Draft Your Narrative: Writing and Building a Technical Portfolio with Jason Belk (2/2)
Audio Player