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Welcome to episode 100 of the Nerd Journey Podcast [@NerdJourney]! We’re John White (@vJourneyman) and Nick Korte (@NetworkNerd_), two Pre-Sales Technical Engineers who are hoping to bring you the IT career advice that we wish we’d been given earlier in our careers. In today’s episode we discuss making it to 100 episodes.
Original Recording Date: 12-06-2020
Topics – Episode 100
1:02 – Reflecting on The Beginning
- John pitched Nick on the idea to start a podcast right before he began working for VMware (November / December 2017).
- The original thesis was following Nick through the transition from IT Operations to a Technical Pre-Sales role at a vendor.
- Thinking back, this was probably just a couple of podcast topics and not an entire podcast thesis.
- John had been the co-host of the VMware Communities Roundtable Podcast for a while and had thought about ways to improve his VMware social footprint.
- He had maintained a blog and frequented the Spiceworks community with some measure of success.
- Nick’s transition to VMware reminded John of his transition from IT Practitioner to Pre-Sales and made him think of those in IT who might need some guidance on where they could take their career.
- In a roundabout way, this eventually helped form our mantra to give people the career advice we wish we had been given earlier in our careers.
- Some of our first topics were going to be
- SE tools
- Tech opinions and news (VMware and other industry news)
- If you’re thinking about expanding your sphere of influence, starting a podcast is a great way to do it!
- Being part of this podcast has allowed John and Nick to meet and learn from people they otherwise likely would not have. Doing this together has also strengthened their friendship.
- John started attending a podcasting meetup and heard about the concept of pod fade.
10:41 – Fun with Statistics
Without knowing the stats before we recorded the show, can John guess the top 10 episodes by download?
John’s Guesses
- Something from the Management Series / Leadership
- Charlie Nichol
- Brad Pinkston
- Brad Tompkins
- Paul Green
- Specific Guests
- Mike Burkhart
- Josh Fidel
- Cody de Arkland
- Yadin Porter de Leon
- Al Rasheed
- Something from the Management Series / Leadership
Top 10 by the Numbers
- 10 (191 downloads) – Episode 85: Impostor Syndrome, Anxiety, and Effective Listening with Cody de Arkland
- 8 (192 downloads) – Episode 69: Effective Remote Work Practices
- 8 (192 downloads) – Episode 42: Ethan Banks and the Journey to Career Self-Awareness
- 7 (194 downloads) – Episode 63: Managing Online Communities and Career Path Pt. 2 with Nic Tolstoshev
- 6 (201 downloads) – Episode 65: Your Position Has Been Eliminated with Mike Burkhart Part 2
- 5 (210 downloads) – Episode 45: Nerd Journey 045: Career Conversations With Your Manager
- 4 (216 downloads) – Episode 67: Three-Month Check-In as a Google Cloud Customer Engineer with John White, Part 2
- 3 (220 downloads) – Episode 64: Your Position Has Been Eliminated with Mike Burkhart
- 2 (225 downloads) – Episode 68: When Life Disrupts Your Work-Life Balance
- 1 (272 downloads) – Episode 66: Three-Month Check-In as a Google Cloud Customer Engineer with John White, Part 1
Earliest episode in the top 15 (coming in at # 12) was Episode 1: Nerd Journey 001: Career Advancement and Nick’s First Week at VMware
The only episode number that had part A and part B (Episode 18 – each part with guest Joseph Griffiths).
Before this episode, we had released 111 episodes with 16,470 downloads total and an average of 148 downloads per episode.
The episode with the lowest number of downloads (92) was Bonus 2.
Underrated Episodes
- John’s list
- Segments on burnout
- Keiran Shelden
- Episode 82 on Mental Health
- Episode 68 on Work-Life Balance
- Episode 90 – Inner Game of Stress
- Episode 91 – Career Stress and the Health Mind Platter
- Episode 78 – Burnout and Recovery with Josh Fidel
- Episodes 37 and 38 with John Hildebrand
- Episode 27 with Ramzi Marjaba
- Episode 57 – Personal Finance
- Career check-ins
- Episode 1 – Nick’s First Week at VMware
- Episode 10 – Nick’s 7 month check-in
- Episodes 21 and 22 – Nick’s 1-year check-in at VMware
- Episodes 23 and 24 – John’s 3-year check-in at VMware
- Episodes 66 and 67 – John’s 3-month check-in at Google Cloud
- Episode 98 and 99 – John’s 1-year check-in at Google Cloud
- Kelly Schroeder – Episodes 58 and 59
- Segments on burnout
- Nick’s list
- The Amy Hervey episodes (Episode 60 and 61)
- The Unexpected Career Opportunities series that began with Episode 53 and went through Episode 57
- Episode 19 – Dreaming in Bands
- Episode 20 – Area of Destiny
- The Jimmy Tassin episodes – 34 and 35
- John’s list
John’s favorites are somewhat biased toward some of our most recent episodes because they are easier to remember. But every single conversation has been helpful to our careers.
The only guest to appear on 3 episodes was Josh Fidel.
26:24 – Lessons Learned from 100 Episodes
- Set a dedicated time each week to do planning and recording.
- We can sometimes put content together independently, but we often need to collaborate and finalize.
- The launch comes back to John’s mind.
- It took us a long time to launch…probably much longer than we wanted.
- Many of our practice episodes were WAY too long and had to be chopped up into small pieces.
- Some of our "segments" didn’t fit the topic we landed on for the podcast.
- We learned that 90 minutes is way too long. We probably still skew a little on the long side (kissing an hour regularly and should probably be 30-45 minutes).
- The barrier to launch became a mental block for John. He knew editing wouldn’t be too bad, but the technology platform selection turned into a rabbit hole.
- None of that stuff really mattered to the podcast. We really needed to own the domain and the RSS feed.
- John’s podcast meetup group talked through the editing process and different ideas on that. Some encouraged not editing at all.
- John didn’t want editing to be a 40 hour per week job.
- We still struggle with not using filler / weak words during our dialogues.
- We wanted to sound more energetic and decided on less scripting for the show.
- Most people starting a podcast ask about the technology platforms, microphones, etc.
- We use some pretty inexpensive ATR-2100 microphones that are good enough.
- We use Squadcast.fm for recording our shows and Audacity for editing after the fact.
- We publish to WordPress with the Blubrry plugin.
- Our issue has been more process than technology.
- Will we ever run out of ideas? No way!
- Do you have an idea for a guest whose point of view we need on the show? Please tell us.
40:55 – The Next 100 Episodes
- It’s all about the stats…not! Are we being helpful to our listeners? That is the ultimate measure.
- Nick really likes recruiting people to be on the show and listening to their stories, their perspectives, and their reasons for changes in career.
- We need more diversity on the podcast (need more female guests – only 3 so far but more in the can).
- We want to ensure we have enough quality episodes in the can to hit weekly releases. If you have an idea for an episode or a guest, please let us know!
- John has noticed there are some podcasts in a similar / related genre that might be nice to revisit.
- IT Reality Podcast
- The Pre-Sales Collective
- Follow up with Ramzi Marjaba
- IT Career Energizer
- There are many people out there who don’t know they have a story to tell. If you’ve changed jobs a few times, you know something that can help the rest of us. Don’t be shy!
- John’s favorite show formats…
- He’s always interesting in learning other perspectives (speaking with guests about their journeys).
- Discussing books with Nick and our different perspectives, even discussing articles
- We have not done a career click bait article lately. Maybe it’s time to reboot that!
- Nick’s all time favorite episode is Episode 9 where John goes into a rant on how to dress for an interview.
- Nick wishes we had tracked episodes with stingers. Check out the stinger tag search for the full list.